2019 American Motorcyclist Association Annual Report — Recreational Riding

The AMA was created to organize motorcycle activity and provide a way to register riders to enhance motorcyclists’ political and societal influence. Much of the association’s activity over the decades has been recreational riding. These events are not designed to determine who is the fastest or most-skilled rider. They are planned around camaraderie and fun. They include poker runs, organized road rides, trail rides, dual sport rides and adventure rides. AMA recreational riding activity is fun, accessible and why many riders stay active in motorcycling year after year.

Here is a snapshot of AMA’s recreational riding efforts in 2019.

Q – How many recreational riding events did the AMA sanction in 2019?
A – In 2019, AMA sanctioned 626 recreational riding events, including street events, dual-sport and adventure rides attended by tens of thousands of AMA members and other riders.

Recreational motorcycling takes many forms, including dual-sport events. AMA photo

Q – What does the AMA offer for dual sport and adventure riders?
A – AMA dual sport and adventure riding events are two of the fastest growing on- and off-highway activities in America. In addition to local rides, the AMA sanctions superior, national-level events:
• The AMA National Dual Sport Series features amazing single-track trail tied together by incredible backroads.
• The AMA National Adventure Riding Series offers the best routes, roads and two-track trail showcasing the abilities of adventure-class motorcycles.

Street rides offer their own form of two-wheel adventure. Photo by Jeff Kardas

Q – What are some of the various street-riding events sanctioned by the AMA?
A – The AMA partners with the nation’s top organizers to offer incredible riding events across the country:
• The AMA National Gypsy Tour features some of America’s biggest and best road riding events.
AMA Grand Tours allow riders to participate at their own pace and on their own schedule.
• To find an event, visit americanmotorcyclist.com/findanevent.

Q – What mileage recognition programs does the AMA offer members?
A – The AMA LongRider Program allows members to track their miles ridden and earn patches at 10,000, 25,000 and 50,000 annual miles or lifetime mileage awards at 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 500,000, 750,000 and 1 million miles.

Q – How do I connect with the AMA at riding rallies?
A – The AMA National Gypsy Tour is our presence at America’s biggest motorcycling events, such as Laconia, Americade, Daytona Bike Week and more. The AMA wants to see you there.